Confirmation class is availabe for youth entering 7th - 8th grade or to those who have not yet had Confirmation that are interested in doing so. 

This year we will talk about the New Testament and exploring what it means to be Lutheran and as always during Lent we will explore the Small Catechism.  We will also spend time answering questions people have about faith.

Classes start Sept. 6.  We will follow the early release schedule of Pecatonica School District with class times being from 2:30 – 3:30. The Fall term will be Sept. 6 to Dec. 13. The Spring Term will be Jan. 17 to May 1. We will meet every Wednesday during Lent for Worship and class.


  • Students must help out in church once a month: the options are:
  • Read, Acolyte, Usher, and run power point
  • Students will be required to do 12 sermon notes for the year.
  • Students are expected to attend class.
  • Students are expected to attend the Wednesday Lenten Services and Supper
  • If you are sick, please call the church, text or message Pastor Chris and let us know that you aren’t coming so we will know you are safe.   If school is cancelled because of the weather, confirmation will be cancelled. We follow the school calendar so if there is no school, no confirmation.
  • Cell phones will be collected at the beginning of class.

At the end of the year, the students will plan and lead worship on the day of confirmation.  Confirmation Sunday will be May 5. Students being confirmed will be required to complete a faith project which will be displayed in the Narthex.  See Faith Project information sheet.

Each Student will receive a Bible they should bring to class every week.  This will be helpful in learning about the topic of discussion. We will be going to a Quake event this winter.  I may add other events/retreats/gatherings throughout the year.   My phone number is 608-341-5032, call or text me if you have any questions or need to get a hold of me for any reason.  My email is

God’s Peace to you and blessings on your journey of faith through confirmation.

Pastor Chris