The Youth of New Hope Lutheran host a "Secret Santa Shop" each year in Hollandale at the "Swing into the Holidays" event at the Pecatonica Elementary School. The Secret Santa Shop is a chance for children to shop for their loved ones and purchase gifts that range from $1 -$10. Our youth and adult helpers help these children shop, and gift wrap these gifts for their loved ones. This is something that the children look so forward to every year, and we are able to do this with great thanks to the many donations of gifts that come in, and thanks to those who help at the event
With that being said, we need your help. 10% of the funds raised from this event are donated outwardly to help another mission and the rest of the monies are deposted into the Youth Account for various trips such a Youth Gathering, Youth Quake, and other activities for all ages to help build & strengthen the faith of our youth.
1. Here is a sign-up for those who'd like to help at this event on Dec.9th.
2. Some have asked about donations and YES we are also still accepting donations for this event. Items can even be shopped for on Black Friday and mailed directly to church at 305 Madison Street, Blanchardville, WI 53516 or dropped at either church site.
Items needed include:
Thank you for your help and particpation! As always, please contact the office if you have any questions.